R13 – as always – has us covered in the latest and most advanced fashion trends.

The Boyfriend Cardigan
Camouflage pattern has been a fashion thing since we can remember. Some seasons it becomes a must-do trend that you see everywhere. And some season the camos kind of fade into the background.

The X-Boyfriend Jeans
This spring 2025 camo everything is definitely one of the biggest must-do trends. And by that we don’t refer only to camo pants, but shirts, dresses, and skirts as well. And it’s trending everywhere, in streetwear, high fashion, and utilitarian-inspired styles.

The Drop Neck Shirt

The Sleeveless Midi Dress
Over the years, designers have reimagined camo prints in various ways, from traditional military patterns to abstract and colorful interpretations.
R13 this season decided on combining “hard core” with “soft” They have embellished the traditional camouflage with roses. Either in prints or appliques.
Roses x traditional camo print – actually quite a juxtaposition. Camos are associated with war and fighting while roses are the symbol of love.
You can shop for this collection here.