Nothing new about pairing denim and sneakers, right! BUT there is one unexpected surprise. In spite of all the cool new sneaker brands flooding the stores, one icon sneaker brand is definitely the right now IT brand. Adidas and more precisely, the Samba and Gazelle. These are definitely on the fashion world’s radar.

{image Phil Oh}
Streetstyle during fashion week is a spectacle of creativity, individuality, and trendsetting. It’s not only when fashion enthusiasts, influencers, models, and celebrities, showcase their most daring and stylish outfits. But also regular folks showing their styles and creations, often combining high fashion with streetwear elements.
Iconic sneaker models from brands like Adidas are being reissued, often with modern updates to appeal to contemporary tastes while maintaining their retro appeal.
There is also the fact that streetwear as a dominant fashion trend has brought sneakers to the forefront, especially paired with jeans. Denim and sneakers are staple elements in streetwear fashion, blending comfort, style, and versatility.
Below you can see the best streetstyle looks from fashion weeks in Paris and New York – how they nailed this combination. And once again, thank you Phil Oh, for capturing the best streetstyle moments, as always 🙂