Before we continue here our denim styles predictions, let us point out a very important fact: Sustainable & tech-driven denim are becoming more and more a must-do thing for many denim brands and definitely many denim consumers out there. Eco-conscious materials and innovative production methods are at the forefront, with many brands focusing on organic […]
Trending RN – Dark Wash Wide Cuffed Jeans
Dark wash jeans are experiencing a resurgence this fall and winter. A welcome change after a summer of light wash and ripped/distressed jeans. Dark washes in denim have always been a classic choice, both as a sophisticated and a super versatile option. Dark blue jeans offer a polished look that can easily transition from casual […]
Let’s Agree To Disagree? Skinny Black Jeans
Every fashionista, every fashion conscious person, every fashion blog and magazine have been declaring the death of skinny jeans. But what does this actually translate to in “real” life, huh? Tell us you haven’t (shamefully) reached into your closet and grabbed your last year’s favorite skinny jean… we hear you! And it was like most […]
Selvedge /Selvage Jeans – What Makes Them So Special?
If you are an unwavering denimhead and wouldn’t even consider any other denim than selvedge the “real” thing, then you will probably already know what’s coming up here! But for all of you “newbies”, you have very likely been wondering lately what all this talk about dark wash and selvedge denim is about. Well, we […]
Denim Trends 2024 – Not Sensational, But…
Yep, unfortunately we have to tell you that as for right now we’re not seeing any exceptional denim trends for the coming months. But then again, why always look for newness. Why not enjoy what’s out there already and take advantage of the “calmness” and give ourselves a chance to explore and discover. What we […]
We đź’™Skinny Jeans – Women’s Edition
For the past few seasons designers, influencers, fashionistas, and “know-it-alls” have been trying to convince us that the skinny jeans are dead. They’re dead – long live the skinny jeans! And obviously, NOBODY was able to kill the skinnies! Actually, they have a stronger presence in almost all denim collections than ever. KUDOS! It doesn’t […]